Human Resource Development Software

Newfound freedom for your Talent Management and Education Controlling – it's easy


Personalentwicklung mit Competence 5

Talent Management and Education Controlling in a single user interface

Focus on those who really matter: your employees. System-supported evaluation, planning and control of your talent management activities give you the freedom you need to do just this. 

When do which mandatory employee qualifications expire? Which skills can you develop or strengthen? Identify the need to take action at a glance using the traffic-light graphic and provide training in a targeted manner. Combining your qualification management with seminar organization makes it possible.

Significant advantage: The self-service function lets employees register for training courses themselves or submit self-assessments.

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  • Important information always at a glance with the dashboard
  • Evaluation templates for qualifications
  • Traffic-light graphic conveys where action is required
  • Custom competency models
  • 360 evaluations/self and third-party assessments
  • Manager self-service with custom evaluations

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Human Resources Development from A to Z

Create requirement profiles

  • Define requirement profiles
  • Assignment of profiles via interface
  • Free definition of company-specific competency models
  • Evaluation template per competency

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Record actual state of qualifications through:

  • HR managers
  • Managers
  • Employees
  • Self and third-party assessment

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Identify needs

Clear analysis of the requirements and actual state:

  • Missing or repeat training and course requirements
  • Skills requiring development
  • Traffic-light graphic for clear identification and transparency


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Develop human resource

  • Actively invite employees to internal activities
  • Registration by manager or employee
  • Manager or employee can record external courses
  • Execution of event as an on-site-attendance, blended-learning or eLearning course

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Assign and update

  • Newly-acquired qualifications are automatically assigned to the employee
  • Validity of the acquired qualification is automatically extended


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Assessment according to defined time frame

  • Third-party assessment / Evaluation of newly acquired qualification by the manager
  • Self assessment / Evaluation of newly acquired qualification by the employee

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Comprehensive evaluation

  • Clear, informative charts with the integrated report generator
  • Radar chart for required vs. actual state
  • Overview of employee development
  • Department comparisons
  • Expired qualifications for planning seminars as required

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Meike González, Hannah Oettinger, Raphael Schuldt, Sandra Lischka, Michael Jantner (v.l.n.r.)


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+49 7252 5833 0

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